Saturday 14 January 2012

hi blog... in these few days time, emosi aku sangat terganggu dan sangat tak stabil. selalunya bila aku terganggu, I will google for motivations such as poems, quotes, songs, etc. serius, aku terganggu, aku perlu motivasi untuk kembalikan semula semangat aku yg hilang. semoga aku terus tabah...

When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh.
When care is pressing you down a bit.
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns
As every one of us sometimes learns.
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out:
Don't give up though the pace seems slow -
You may succeed with another blow.
Success is failure turned inside out -
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt.
And you never can tell how close you are.
It may be near when it seems so far:
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

anyway, thanks u ols sebab ada jugak spare time korang untuk baca entry aku yg sedang berserabut nie... thanks for your indirect support dears...


Wednesday 11 January 2012


hello blog! ok, entry this time round yg paling aku teruja nk cerita... sgt suka & sgt happy. ok ceritanya mcm nie.

kn sesi persekolahan 2012 dh bermula for about a week. so pg td was the session for unit beruniform. aku mcm biasa la, penasihat Pandu Puteri so as penasihat, masa AGM last week aku dh pesan kt pelajar, pilih aktiviti2 yg simple but workable & aku emphasised pd pelajar yg kami penasihat takkan mencadangkan apa2 aktiviti sebab itu sepatutnya bidang kuasa pelajar.

ok, fine nmpknya mereka alert dgn statement aku. bila kami bincang pasal aktiviti, pelajar nie blur semacam tao. x tahu la kot mereka takut nk voice out aktiviti yg ada dlm otak diaorang tu. so bila aku tgk mereka blur gila, aku cadang jgk kt mereka, "nak x main futsal?"

nk tahu what happened? trs budak2 Pandu Puteri aku nie mcm kena sawan... sebab apa? sbb diaorang excited gila pny gila la... teruja. x sabar. hhhahahahhh.

jadi, kesimpulannya di sini, last year aku prnh dengar statement (aku bukan nk mengungkit la, tp just for muhasabah), 'mana boleh budak perempuan main futsal??? itu bukan budaya kita..."

hei hello... the students themselves dh muak dh buat aktiviti yg sama over years hokeh! just imagine man, klu dia pelajar Form4 & she has been doing the same activities throughout that 4 years, rasanya pelajar tu pn mampu VOMIT BLOOD. hhheehehehhh. pity the students, my stand is biar kita lari dari kebiasaan, bukannya kita lari menuju kebinasaan. berebut-rebut menuju kebinasaan, hhhahahhh, apa kes??? :D

by the way, untuk aktiviti pertama Pandu Puteri 2012, kami guru penasihat nie handle Liga Futsal. and when they were playing, baru laaa nmpk pelajar mana yg ada talent. itu sebenarnya fungsi KoKurikulum di sek, untuk cungkil potensi pelajar. tapi kan, kalau penasihat sendiri dok terperap besarkan punggung, pelajar terbiar x tentu arah, maknanya kita kena cungkil benda lain laaa... ooopppsss!!! hhhahahahhh.... maaf zahir batin!

aksi-aksi menarik sekitar Liga Futsal Pandu Puteri

x reti main, dok laaa berkumpul seramai2 tidak kt depan gawang tu, hhhehehhh...

phew ganas jugak!

admit of foul before being charged. hhhahahhh. tao takuttt....

my favourite scene of the league. may be sbb nampak pelajar tu nk menendang bola, aku rasa mcm one kind- happy for them!

another guru penasihat, Wati di samping pelajar2 yg aku tahan drpd pergi pemilihan bola jaring... hhhahahahhh... padan muka org yg in-charge nk memilih tu... kuikuikui...
 ok, habis aje liga, in my point of view laaa kan, pelajar nampak happy & enjoy. in fact, pelajar unit lain pun teruja semacam sbb tngk budak Pandu Puteri were having fun kek tongah padang tu ha... siap dtg complaint kt aku, nk tukar masuk Pandu Puteri. hhhihihihhh.

tu yg aku nak, supaya mereka x bosan dgn aktiviti KoKu nie so that mereka x ada alasan x nk hadir perjumpaan. sebenarnya, jauh dlm hati kecil aku nie, klu boleh aku nk bw Persatuan Pandu Puteri nie sendiri g sejauh mungkin, lain & berbeza drpd unit2 beruniform yg lain. aku pun bosan bila setiap kali perjumpaan, dok laaa dlm kelas tu mcm ayam nk bertelur... sesekali outdoor mcm nie, best gila... now target aku tunggu utk aktiviti daerah, mana2 yg boleh grab, standby aje la kau budak-budak ye... hu3...

anyway, tahniah to Kump.1 sebab anda juara. kena g  beli adia laaa plk... kuikuikui... and thanks to u ols sbb ada jgk spare time korang utk baca entry aku nie... daaa!!!

Monday 9 January 2012


waaa. udah lama gue nggak update blog... rinduuu... rindu sgt nk menulis secara informal tp cuti sek akhir tahun lps langsung x nmpk mcm cuti pn... sakitnya hati (by the way Malin, ko yg sengaja cari bala kn)
entry kali nie aku nk meluahkan perasaan mempunyai minat & perkara baru, wlupun for certain things, bukan baru sgt pn hokeh!

yang pertama, tadaaaa!

ini la kegilaan terkini yg pertama & semakin diberi keutamaan olehku... aku rasa sbnrnya berpunca drpd my ever hot case scenario hhhahahahhh, apa lg klu bukan Facebook. dh tetua pn nk gaduh dgn aku psl FB, x logik betul! so I really learnt a lot from that case, on how to improve my career. I do love my job (serious dow) & I need the drive to more love it. so aku mula membiasakan diri dgn bahan-bahan bacaan yg berkaitan dgn alam pekerjaan. buku ini- 101 Ways to love Your Job memang mesmerising gila. santai tp penuh input. aku maleh nk suggest2 promote2 kt org nie, tp klu korang rs korang hunger for career betterment, this book might help u ols a lot!

kegilaan kedua... taadaaaaa!!!!

sejak aku mula kerja (around 2008) x ada cap lain pilihan di hati untuk henpon henponku. ultimately, MESTI Samsung... these are only few from my Samsung models collection. banyakkk lagi tp ye la kn, since anak aku pn dh 2, berterbangan la semua model2 Samsung aku yg lama2 sebelum nie. mcm x ada nilai aje kn??? (anak2 aku nie x th dulu Ibu diaorg berhempas pulas membanting tulang ompek korek nk beli henpon tuuu)... pakai cap lain x ada feel leeee. sorry ye...

kegilaan ketiga... taaaadaaaa!!!!!

hhhihihihhh. SK-II tuuuuu woiiiii... ceh melobih-lobih plk den nie... tp inilah realitinya. selepas pencarian demi pencarian... this SK-II fits me perfectly. kena konsisten, flawless laaa jwbnya skin complexion I nyah... confirm! antara pelaburan aku yg sgt berbaloi (selain unit trust hhhahahahhh) sbb sekali membeli, standby aje la thousands in pocket, tp Miracle Water tu cthnya, kan botol tinggi kt blkng tu ha, dgn saiz mcm tu, pki ikut regime yg betul, the stock lasts for about 3 months. haaa skrng dh nmpk kn, klu mahal sekalipun tp berbaloi2, apa nk diberkirakan sgt der!!!

kegilaan keempat.... tadaaaaaa!!!

tak boleh yg lain...... haruslah Ariani.... :) material yg tiptop, lembut, syahdu, rs mcm Wardina plk bl pki tudung2 nie... hhhahahahhh. koleksi terbaru baru shj ditambah seminggu lps, sempat lg aku pau duit yg berkenaan, quite a cost jgk laaa... thanks huh...

mak & adik aku kata aku nie high maintenance, brand concious... eeerrrrkkkk??? ye kot mak.... hhhahahahhh... yes aku blh dikategorikan sebegitu. maaf bkn sbb nk berlagak but mainly for self-satisfaction. barang berjenama nie tahan lama, sesuai dgn nilai yg kita dh laburkan (walaupun ada sesetengah brands tu x jgk)... so now can see the point huh? jgn nk mengata den lobih-lobih plk yo. baco yo, toksah dok menilai... ha3. anyway thanks u ols!!! sbb ada jgk spare time korang utk membaca ye... kui3... daaa!!!

Thursday 15 December 2011


hi blog!!! hhhehehhhh. hokeh last entry ada cerita ttg how I got involved in this PB biz so this time round I nk share plk 1 majlis menuntut ilmu, Seminar Sales Manager (SM) / Senior Sales Manager (SSM) organised by no other CDM Celebrity, CDM Hanis Haizi & her hubby, CDM Raz. seminar took place at Eastin Hotel, PJ on 10 Dec 2011 from 8am till 5pm.

haaaa... namanya pn majlis menuntut ilmu, so semua ilmu yg dicurahkan oleh para otai were fully absorbed by the participants. oh, not to forget yeah, seminar nie was held for the second time for 2011, that showed CDM Hanis was really concerned about her downlines! dh la belanja besar, participants plk melobih-lobih smpi 3++ pax oooiii. gempak Hanis, serius hang gempak!!!

haaa... me with partners, Nisa & Nadiah, the sisters in business!

tuuu dia, my PBlicious team with CDM Hanis Haizi, si comel lotey sitting next to my partner, DSM Nur yg pakai shawl putih tu.
CDM Hanis nie, tell u the truth la, sepanjang seminar tu kan, mata aku nie selalu sgt x lepas pandang dia walaupun masa tu speaker lain tgh bg talk. hhhahahahhh. kantoi sudah, ooopppsss!!! tp serius beb, may be disebabkan dia bermula dari zero, ditinggalkan plk oleh uplines dia, merangkak sorang2 to eventually excel in this PB biz. sbb tu, aura dia mmg boleh kita rasa kt mana2. klu duduk sblh dia pn kan, silap2 I boleh pengsan nyah... hhhehehhh...

lagi gambar-gambar menarik sekitar seminar...

a strategy-making session by our DDM Intan & DSM Nur. ini menunjukkan how serious we are in this biz sbb session nie was conducted soon after the seminar finished. he3, quite strategical huh?

with another successful bizwoman, CDM Mai. dia sangattt cute & soft-spoken hokeh!!! aku pn cute jgk, sbb tu aku tersepit kek tongah2 tu haaa... hadoi!!!

a quick snap of Nadiah, Nisa, me & Muzel. sempattt aje hokeh,...

us, again...

another tips- sharing session where members were given opportunities to voice out opinion. ingat senang ke downlines nk voice out dpn leaders??? but in PBlicious, we are all sophists! :)

with the so-called kembar CDM Hanis, CDM Salha. previously a full-time housewife, now a 6-figure-income bizwoman! sekian saje! tabik springgg!!!

ok, mcm aku prnh mention dlm entry sebelum nie la kan, this PB biz mmg xkan tinggalkan kita terkapai2 tanpa ilmu & hala tuju. klu sekadar make full use of air liur tp knowledge zero, harap maklum aje la mcmn hasil biz tu nnt. this PB biz comes with classes & seminars, for sure agents will be fully-equipped dgn ilmu biz yg secukupnya.

again, credit to CDM Hanis Haizi di atas usaha keras beliau dlm memastikan her downlines x menerima nasib ditinggalkan seperti yg prnh dilaluinya. walaupun belanja besar, dia tolak tepi isu tu semua as to ensure her downlines trs strive & sparkle in this biz. jln dh dipilih, jd now kena konsisten.
thanks very much, CDM Hanis!

and thanks to korang jgk sbb ada jgk spare time korang utk baca entry nie ok... mana yg baik dijadikan tauladan... hhhehehhehhh... daaa!!!

Wednesday 9 November 2011


adoiii... first2 buat entry siap ada attach gmbr account overview nie, mcm gempak aje nie??? x kisah la u ols nk kata i berlagak ke, menunjuk2 ke, show off ke, (harap maklum ye u ols, semua tu samo yo makno eh ha3)... cane tu??? apa kes nie??? 

inilah kes nya... a very true one... letih la 3 tahun lbh kerja mkn gaji, sesak nk tunggu tiap hujung bln nk g berebut kt bank plk tu sbb nk cucuk gaji. oh please... nk dijadikan cerita, once upon a time (haaa ms nie kena apply ilmu aku as a language teacher), aku nie asyik laaa terbaca FB status kwn aku dok gebang bonus masyuk la, x henti2 nk g shopping itu shopping ini la, free trips back to back, AND at the same time pn dia blh dpt great body figure la, aku nie rs mcm nk usyar la apa jns pekerjaan yg dia bt nie... he3. sbb dl aku sgt skeptikal, klu nk cpt kaya, ko jual la dadah, copek la ko kayo... hhhahahahhh...

so berbalik kpd status kwn aku td tu, baca pny baca, selidik pny selidik, dia pn introduce & ajar aku mcmn nk run biz nie. aku igtkn kena jual dadah jgk (hhhahahahhh) but sbnrnya jual lingerie @ Premium Beautiful (PB) corset aje babe... hah? hah? hah? memula dgr dia kata jual PB tu kn, aku ada jgk la rs nk pengsan sbb agak-agak la kn, xkn jual pakaian dlm pn bonus pny kencang x igt dunia??? tp serius beb, tengok proof after proof she showed to me, goyah jgk la rasa was-was aku tu. tgk biz plan baik pny, I decided to give this lingerie biz a try.

HASILNYA........ haaa tgk la account overview den kek bwh nie... apa mcm geng? rs tercabar x??? if yes, itu normal sbb den pn dl rs tercabar yo bl tgk FB status kwn den tu... tgk FB status pn dh tercabar, inikan plk tgk account overview kn??? hhhahahahhh.... *sendiri mau igt laaa*

first bonus wink wink wink

second bonus lagi kencang tuuu ha3
haaa... cukuplah tgk bonus utk 2 bln tu dulu... hhhehehehhh... keselamatan akaun den perlu dijaga rapi... hhhahahahhh. bukan mcm tu sgt la, tp sbb den involve (bkn join hokeh!) dlm PB biz nie pn br lg. bonus utk bln2 seterusnya, u ols figure la sendiri amount dia ye. (tips: bonus semakin meningkat from months to months... ceh! berlagak! hhhahahahhh)

oh yes, selain bonus, agents juga di"well-treate" with mjls anugerah, car fund, free back to back trips & of course, savings... (ko igt company akan let go ko bt biz nie sesuka hati aje ke??? sekian!). company dh siapkan Tabung Wawasan awal2 so that agents nie x terhanyut dok boros hbskan bonus yg dia dpt every month tu.... in a way, the company has done their great part in ensuring the agent's secured financial state! oh my..... heaven gila sehhh.... thanks Hai-O!!!

so now, aim aku is... utk kembang dan kembang dan kembangkan lagi PB biz nie by sharing this real golden opportunity with u ols gorgeous ladies out there yg interested nk di'manja2'kan secara financial oleh Hai-O... hhhehehehhh... dimanjakan la kn sbb siapa yg suka2 nk bg kita thousand(s) every month kn??? plus, biz nie bukan ssh pn, mcm2 mode ada, flexible gila. aku yg bt part time nie pn dh smpi tahap nie, u ols imagine la klu u ols bt secara full time. phew!!!

eh tp sblm masuk mode part time ke full time nie, kena la cari channel yg betul kn??? hhhahahahhh. jgn pergi ke salah tmpt plk. sbnrnya aku nk ckp, aku la salah 1 channel yg available tu... hhhehehehehhh... so gorgeous ladies out there, please do not hesitate to reach me if u are really interested with this PB biz. 

sumpah x menyesal klu u ols masuk ikut tmpt yg betul. sbb yg seronoknya about this biz, company provides classes yg dihandle oleh otai2 biz nie which means u ols akan dpt ilmu yg authentic & genuine & sooo true. ye laaa, otai tu kn dh tahap super senior drpd kita, diaorang dh melalui dl asam garam biz nie, & now it's about time utk mereka share semua ilmu tu sebagai panduan agar new agents trs cemerlang, cemerlang dan cemerlang..... kuikuikui... sorry gelak skt sbb aku rs aku dh mcm wakil rakyat daaa.... hhhahahahhhh...

ok back to topic, please do not hesitate to pm me. aku sentiasa ada utk kamu.... hhhehehehhhh.... anyway, thanks sbb ada jgk spare time korang utk baca entry aku yg x seberapa nie.... hhhihiihhhh.... bye u ols.....

Tuesday 18 October 2011


Smiling is a great way to make yourself stand out while helping your body to function better. Smile to improve your health, your stress level, and your attractiveness.

1. Smiling Makes Us Attractive

2. Smiling Changes Our Mood

3. Smiling Is Contagious

4. Smiling Relieves Stress

5. Smiling Boosts Your Immune System

6. Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure

7. Smiling Releases Endorphins, Natural Pain Killers and Serotonin

8. Smiling Lifts the Face and Makes You Look Younger

9. Smiling Makes You Seem Successful

10. Smiling Helps You Stay Positive

Tuesday 11 October 2011


It's 1110H on 11/10/11 and it's Tasnim's 1st birthday! Alhamdulillah... Setakat nie, ibu berjaya membesarkan Tasnim dengan sihat dan baik (hopefully) walaupun most of the time Ibu berseorangan.

pictures taken on 11/10/11,exactly a year after she was born.

Semoga Tasnim menjadi puteri yang solehah dan sentiasa mendamaikan Ibu. You'll never walk alone, Sayang!